VOlUME 02 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2023
Ojo, Ajibola Elisha
Department of Educational Leadership and Management, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom PO1 2UP Hampshire
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2023.v2i6n03Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study focused on the perceived influence of micro-teaching skills on student-teachers’ performance in teaching practice in colleges of education in Kwara State. The study answered two research questions and tested two null hypotheses in line with the stated objectives. The target population of the study comprised 904 NCE III (2021/2022) business education students in colleges of education (Private 126, State 461 and Federal 317) in Kwara State. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 417 NCE III students from colleges of education in Ilorin. Data were collected using a modified student-teacher assessment form and a self-designed questionnaire titled "Perceived Influence of Micro-teaching Skills on - Teachers’ Performance in Teaching Practice in Colleges of Education (PIMSSPTPCE)". Findings reveal that micro-teaching influences student-teacher communication skills and classroom management skills to a moderate extent. Based on the findings made, it is concluded that acquisition of relevant teaching skills is vital to teachers’ preparation and training. Based on the conclusion drawn, it is recommended, among others, that the use of communication skills should be taught to student teachers in the NCE programme to enhance their performance during teaching practice.
KEYWORDS:Micro-teaching, Skills, Performance, Student-teacher, Teaching
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VOlUME 02 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2023
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