VOlUME 02 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2023
1Baltonado, Liezel B.,2Velasco, Cecilia Q.
1Canda Elementary School
2Laguna State Polytechnic University-San Pablo City Campus
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2023.v2i6n17Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aimed to enhance the least mastered reading comprehension skills of Grade Five pupils in terms of identifying the main idea, sequencing of events, answering direct recall questions, predicting outcomes, and identifying unfamiliar vocabulary. The main concern of this study is to improve the pupil`s reading comprehension skills through the use of subjectintegrated instructional material. Meanwhile, the study revealed the mean pretest scores before using the subject-integrated instructional material were both Average in terms of identifying the main idea and predicting outcomes; Fair level in terms of answering direct recall questions and identifying unfamiliar vocabulary; sequencing of events found in the Poor level while in the post-test scores of the respondents after using the subject-integrated instructional materials revealed both Average in terms of identifying the main idea and answering direct recall questions; Fair level in terms of predicting outcomes and identifying unfamiliar vocabulary; in terms of sequencing of events still in Poor level despite of increase in the mean scores. However, the study also revealed that there is no significant difference before and after using the subject-integrated instructional material.
KEYWORDS:instructional material, least mastered skills, reading comprehension
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VOlUME 02 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2023
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