MAY 2023

VOlUME 02 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023
Usage of Language Learning Strategy and Integrative Test Competence of Secondary Students
1Marien A. Laureto,2Andy Bon D. Dariagan,3Maria Teresa Cosico
1,2,3Capiz state University Pontevedra Campus Filamer Christian University

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This study endeavored to find out the relationship of the Usage of Language Learning Strategy and Integrative Test Competence among secondary students. The level of students’ usage of language learning strategy is “moderate.” This may have happened because at any age during the adolescent’s stage, students’ learning habit is not that established yet. Students have an “average” level of integrative test competence. Yet the male results reveal to low since their attitude towards language learning is not as enthusiastic as with female who got the result of average. The integrative test competence of the secondary students has an “average” level of competence. It is also revealed in the result that there is no significant difference in the level of the integrative test competence among the four grade levels. This could mean that students are not exposed to integrative testing. They are used to discrete testing that is often given by the teachers in every lesson. This could also mean that the level of difficulty appropriate to the level is not observed. Since it is expected that the higher the level, students get to learn more complex lessons that could help improve their competence with the language. The no significant relationship between language learning strategy and integrative test competence could mean that the language learning strategy awareness is not that established to students and that integrative test competence might be influenced by some other factors like exposure to such kind and the holistic approach to the language teaching.


Language learning strategy; Integrative test competence; English proficiency


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VOlUME 02 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023

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