APRIL 2023

Parental Support for Adolescents' Future Education Orientation in Sumber Agung Klego Boyolali Village
1Reza Ahmadiansah,2Rafidhul Misbah,3Yuli Nur Ariyani
1,2,3Faculty of Da'wah, Salatiga State Islamic University, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2023.v2i4n07

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For every individual who has entered adolescence, they have determined their future orientation and have a focus regarding their future goals in life, one of which is in education. This study aims to determine the level of parental support for adolescents in Sumber Agung Village, Klego Boyolali, the level of future educational orientation of adolescents in Sumber Agung Village, Klego Boyolali and the influence of parental support on adolescents' future educational orientation in Sumber Agung Village, Klego Boyolali. This type of research is correlational quantitative research. The sample in this study was adolescents aged 16 to 18 years who were still in school and domiciled in Sumber Agung Village, totaling 69 youths. The data source in this study used a scale of parental support and a scale of future education orientation. The results showed that, first, parental support for adolescents in Sumber Agung Village, Klego Boyolali was in the high category with a percentage of 56.53%. Second, the future education orientation of adolescents in Sumber Agung Village, Klego, Boyolali was in the high category with a percentage of 65.22%. Third, the influence of parental support on the future educational orientation of adolescents in Sumber Agung village, Klego, Boyolali with an Fcount of 32,740 with a significance level of 0.000 < 0.05; R square is 0.328 and the coefficient of determination is 32.8%. Thus the hypothesis that says "is there an influence of parental support on the future educational orientation of adolescents in Sumber Agung Klego Boyolali Village" is accepted


parental support, future education orientation, adolescents


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