1Stabile Namwai Ngambi,2Daniel Ndhlovu,3Moses Changala
1,2,3University of Zambia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2023.v2i4n03Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study explored popular literature on post-divorced traumatic experiences. The study employed a qualitative approach where literature from different studies was analysed thematically. The findings of this desk study revealed that divorced persons experienced feelings of anger and sadness, psychological effects, loss of identity and self-esteem, loss of psychological support, physical and mental health, as well as disturbance in family function and parenting. The study also established that divorced persons resorted to substance abuse, had experienced financial survival issues and experienced gender differences in the institutionalization of mental health issues. The study concluded that divorce has adverse effects on the lives of those experiencing it. It, therefore, recommended that pre-marriage counselling should be taken seriously before the marriage is pronounced.
KEYWORDS:Divorce, divorced person, lived experiences
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