1Dr. Mukhtar Shehu Aliyu, 2Prof. (Dr.) S. M. Shariq Abbas, 3Dogo Kachalla
1Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration and Entrepreneurship, Bayero University Kano, Nigeria
2Professor and Head, Department of Business Administration, Yobe State University, Nigeria
3Department of Business Administration and Entrepreneurship, Federal University of Kashere, Nigeria
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2023.v2i3n05Google Scholar Download Pdf
Employee Remuneration is an interesting topic in the field of human resource management to be researched. This study aims to determine the effect of remuneration on job satisfaction among library staff of Bayero University Kano, Nigeria through quantitative research technique. The population taken was 171 employees with a sample size of 119 employees, through simple random sampling technique. Data analysis technique employed was spearman correlation. The results indicate a positive relationship between remuneration and job satisfaction in nature with the goodness of fit measured at .0642. Additionally, job satisfaction has a significant effect on employee salary and recognition, nevertheless allowance and feedback were not found to be significant.
KEYWORDS:Employee, Remuneration, Job Satisfaction, Public Sector, Organisation
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