1Elnura Asylbekova,2Wu Jidong
1,2School Foreign Language and Literature, Nanjing Tech University, 211800, Nanjing, China.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2023.v2i3n03Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research paper explores the difficulties in translating English idiomatic expressions into the Russian language. Idiomatic expressions are commonly used in everyday communication, but their meanings may not be easily inferred from their literal translations. This study analyzes the strategies used by translators to convey the intended meaning of idiomatic expressions in the target language. The research methodology involves a comparative analysis of different translations of English idiomatic expressions into Russian, focusing on the nuances and subtleties of meaning that may be lost in translation. The analysis is based on a corpus of authentic texts, including literary works, news articles, and online content, which contain a wide range of English idiomatic expressions. The study aims to identify the main challenges that translators face when translating idiomatic expressions from English into Russian, such as cultural differences, idiomatic equivalences, and the preservation of the figurative language. Additionally, the research examines the impact of context on the translation of idiomatic expressions, as well as the role of translation theory in addressing the challenges of idiomatic translation. Overall, the research paper contributes to the understanding of the complexities of idiomatic translation, highlighting the importance of a comprehensive approach that takes into account linguistic, cultural, and contextual factors.
KEYWORDS:Idiomatic expressions, translation challenges, English-Russian translation, cultural differences, figurative language.
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