1Nurul Listiyani, 2Rizka Zulfikar, 3Achmad Jaelani, 4Irfan
1Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Kalimantan MAB Banjarmasin, Adhyaksa Street the number 2 Banjarmasin, Indonesia
2 Management Department, Economic Faculty, Islamic University of Kalimantan MAB Banjarmasin, Indonesia
3Animal Husbandry Department, Agriculture Faculty, Islamic University of Kalimantan MAB Banjarmasin, Indonesia
4Electrical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Islamic University of Kalimantan MAB Banjarmasin, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2023.v2i12n19Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research focuses on the evaluation of the regional restructuring policy in Banjar Regency-South Kalimantan Province, which has been implemented since 2021. Although this restructuring has been in accordance with regulations, the Regional Apparatus Organizations (RAOs) in the region have not been able to fully accelerate development and improve the quality of public services. This study used a descriptive quantitative-qualitative approach with a research design involving instruments in the form of questionnaires according to the Ministry of Administrative Reform's institutional evaluation guidelines. Data was collected with a questionnaire measuring OPD structures and processes, with a total of 66 questions. The results of this study produced a composite index describing the level of effectiveness of RAOs, grouped in five categories ranging from "Highly Effective" to "Ineffective." The analysis shows that some RAOs in Banjar Region have high performance, such as the Regional Secretariat and the Public Works, Spatial Planning and Land Agency. However, there are constraints on several dimensions, including complexity, formalization, and centralization. This evaluation provides an in-depth look at the performance of RAOs and provides recommendations for improvements, such as updating standard operating procedures and developing work systems. The research also identified constraints on certain sub-dimensions, such as a lack of mapping of work processes between units within the organization and a lack of coordination between work units. Other constraints involve organizational structures that are not yet fully compliant with laws and regulations, as well as significant interventions in work processes.
KEYWORDS:effectiveness; restructuring; structure; process; performance; complexity; formalization; centralization; risk Management; information technology.
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