1Nur Azifah, 2Taufikin, 3Alfi Zahrinna
1,2,3Postgraduate (S2) Islamic Studies, State of Islamic Institute, IAIN Kudus, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2023.v2i12n13Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study seeks to evaluate the implementation of Value Clarification Technique (VCT) learning to improve the critical reasoning students’ character of MI Islamiyah Syafiiyah Gandrirojo Kudus in Central Java. 5th class was chosen as the experimental group that applied VCT learning, and 6th class became the control group that applied conventional learning in Civics subjects, focusing on understanding citizens' rights, obligations, and responsibilities in everyday life. The research method used quasi-experiment. Data analysis shows a significant difference in the critical reasoning character of students who use VCT and conventional learning. This is evident through the results of a two-party t-test, where the t-count is smaller than the t-table (-5.37 ˂ -1.976), meaning that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. In addition, the critical reasoning character of students who use VCT learning is also significantly higher than students who use conventional learning, as seen from the results of the one-party t-test with a t-count greater than the t-table (8.47 ˃ 1.664). Thus, it can be concluded that VCT learning effectively develops the critical thinking character of students at MI Islamiyah Syafiiyah.
KEYWORDS:Learning Model, Value Clarification Technique, Critical Thinking Character
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