1Zuriani Ibhrim, 2Zaleha Muda, 3Suhaila Abdul Aziz
1,2,3University Poly-Tech Malaysia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2023.v2i11n03Google Scholar Download Pdf
Poverty is often associated with issues of insufficient income. The first question is, 'Do impoverished individuals ensure their children receive proper education?' The second question pertains to whether the impoverished can access adequate healthcare services. The third question addresses whether communities can access sufficient clean water and electricity supplies. Lastly, it questions whether the needy experience income and expenditure issues based on the cost of living. Therefore, if these questions cannot be satisfactorily answered, it indicates the persistence of poverty from a multidimensional perspective. This study employs textual and contextual analysis of library research, considering the five elements of Maqasid Shariah in the context of multidimensional poverty. The findings indicate a close connection between multidimensional poverty and Maqasid Shariah. Each dimension of poverty, such as education, health, and standard of living, plays a distinct role in safeguarding the five elements of Maqasid Shariah: religion, intellect, soul, progeny, and wealth. In education, achievements should consider both types, namely individual obligation (fardu ain) and communal obligation (fardu kifayah). Concerning health, emphasis is placed on disease prevention and balanced nutrition, mindful of halal treatment sources. In terms of the standard of living, the accumulation of wealth serves as a cornerstone for a more prosperous life, providing benefits to humanity and serving as a reward and blessing bestowed by Allah SWT upon His servants, as well as a test in human life. This study aims to improve existing weaknesses in measuring multidimensional poverty by applying measurement elements based on the Maqasid Shariah perspective, adding value to creating a comprehensive, multifaceted poverty measurement, as discussed in Islam.
KEYWORDS:Multidimension, Maqasid Shariah, Poverty.
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