Danang Satria Nugraha
Sanata Dharma University, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2023.v2i11n02Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study utilized Cognitive Semantics Analysis and the Contrastive Method to explore the concept of joy in English and Indonesian proverbs. Proverbs provide a unique perspective on the linguistic and cultural differences in portraying joy. The study gave a comprehensive overview of the Cognitive Semantics Analysis, highlighting its importance in uncovering the cognitive structures that underlie the conceptualization of joy. The Contrastive Method was introduced as an invaluable tool for comparative analysis, allowing for an in-depth examination of the similarities and disparities in portraying joy between the two languages. The study examined a curated selection of English and Indonesian proverbs to investigate the subtle nuances in the conceptualization of joy. The study aimed to understand how joy is linguistically expressed in these sayings, what cultural and cognitive factors influence the choice of words and phrases related to joy in these languages, and the unique cultural perspectives that emerge from the analysis. The findings of this study shed light on the intricate interplay between language, culture, and the human experience of joy. Admittedly, there were three main results, i.e. (1) the analysis of English proverbs reveals that they often associate joy with metaphors of light and elevation, which focus on personal experiences and intense physical expressions; Indonesian proverbs connect joy with the natural world, spirituality, and communal harmony, (2) the vocabulary, metaphors, and themes emphasized in the sayings reflect English and Indonesian respective cultural contexts; English proverbs prioritize individualism and personal success, while Indonesian counterparts emphasize community and social harmony, and (3) English and Indonesian cultural proverbs share a commonality in utilizing metaphors to convey feelings of joy, yet with different cultural reference points; both languages connect joy to physical sensations and expressions, emphasizing the universality of the emotional experience across cultures. By comparing and contrasting Indonesian and English proverbs, this research offers valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of joy in human communication and cognition. Moreover, this study contributes to the broader discourse on cross-linguistic and cross-cultural analysis, offering valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of joy in human communication and cognition.
KEYWORDS:cognitive semantics, English proverbs, emotional resonances, Indonesian proverbs, joy, linguistic representation.
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