Manjit Sharma
Faculty of DAV Collage Sector 10 Chandigargh
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2023.v2i10n06Google Scholar Download Pdf
Historical perceptive clearly shows the agriculture cannot absorb all the growth of the rural workforce but the imperative role of non-agricultural activities recognized recently. Majority of the rural workforce is giving up farming and moving to the non-agricultural sector in rural areas. A change in the structure of jobs in rural areas is a prerequisite for the process of rural transformation. Kerala remained at the top around 73 %, while Punjab exhibited second position at rural non-farm sector (RNFS) with a labor force of 46.36% in 2011. Intergenerational Change in Occupation is noted as per the present study, as nearly 90% respondents experienced change of occupations from father to respondents. Reliance on RNFS by rural families was significantly higher in the developed region compared to the developing or backward region.
KEYWORDS:Rural Non-Farm, Employment, Occupation, Intergeneration, Labour and Enterprises.
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