Ali Salehi
DBA Candidate, University of Quebec en Outaouais, Department of Administrative Sciences, Gatineau, Canada
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2023.v2i10n03Google Scholar Download Pdf
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on business and project activities, particularly due to the lack of information about it. The experience of the pandemic indicated that due to the unknown nature of it and lack of suitable models, there was no clear strategy for managing projects in the crisis condition. Thus, the main objective of this paper is to develop a project management model for crisis situations and identify effective strategies to reduce project vulnerability during the pandemic period. For this purpose, a systematic review method was used. Based on this method, first the relevant articles were searched, then the relationships between their key concepts were plotted using VOSviewer, and finally 78 sources were selected in several steps. The results are presented in the form of answering research questions as well as developing a conceptual model that includes project management strategies in pre-crisis, crisis time and post-crisis situations. Accordingly, it can be said that Covid-19 pandemic has all characteristics of a serious crisis. Its origin is often external, and it usually happens all at once, so it reduces the opportunity for planning. Finally, it can last and continue. In addition, the model identifies key policy makers, participants, and project implementers in times of pandemic crisis. It is expected that the use of this model and strategies increase the PM’s knowledge and capabilities in crisis management in projects.
KEYWORDS:crisis, COVID-19 pandemic, project management, PM elements, systematic review
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