Jerick S. Aguilar
Graduate Studies and Applied Research, Laguna State Polytechnic University, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2023.v2i10n01Google Scholar Download Pdf
The increasing responsibilities of the school heads as school leaders led to the analysis of management competency of school heads perceived by the public elementary grade teachers of Lucena West District. The study revealed that the school heads’ management competencies are evident in terms of instructional skills, personnel skills, and financial skills as perceived by the schoolteachers. Findings showed that there is no significant difference in the perceived level of management competency between male and female teacher-respondents in personnel skills, except in instructional skills in terms of visibility and career motivation. There is also a significant difference between the perception of male and female respondents about the management competency in financial skills in terms of audit or financial control. There is no significant difference in the perceived level of management competency between male and female school heads, except in instructional skills in terms of instructional time as perceived by the school heads. There is a positive and significant relationship between the independent variable, perceived management competency and the dependent variable, school leadership in all the dimensions based on the perception of the teacher-respondents. Therefore, the school heads in the division may utilize the findings of the study in developing an employee enhancement program based on all the indicators considered. In addition, due to the limited number of school heads needed for accurate analyses of the relationships of the factors under management competency and school leadership, more samples for the school heads as respondents should be considered in future research.
KEYWORDS:Financial Skills, Instructional Skills, Management Competency, Personnel Skills, School Leadership
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