Prof. Dr. Yun, Byeong-Yeol
Univ. Hongik in Seoul Korea
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The attitude to drag down what happened in prehistoric times from the horizon of philosophy simply because it was not written in letters, or it is related to the "uncivilized" prehistoric times, exposes both ignorance and arrogance at the same time. In the light of H. Rombach's statement that “People have never been ‘savage,’” we cannot read the philosophy and spiritual worlds of prehistoric people, but rather make a great mistake of the hasty conclusion that they were ‘savage.’ However, we have groundbreaking clues that enable us to approach the ancient philosophy of Korea, that is to say, we have prehistoric relics that can be read clearly. They include the star hole astronomical charts carved in the dolmens, the four guardian deities (四神圖) engraved on bronze mirrors, and the paintings of the four guardian deities and the four constellations(四宿圖), in Goguryeo ancient tomb murals. When looked into carefully, they present messages as good as text messages. They are “talking stones” that reveal what they are, and “mirrors” and pictures that reflect their identity. It is well known that prehistoric people were very interested in the celestial world, and gave special meanings to various constellations, and developed a calendar earlier on. Through the star charts, especially the drawings of the four constellations , they revealed thoughts about worshipping heaven, immortality, and the philosophy of returning home, and gave birth to a system of philosophy to care for and protect the whole world.
KEYWORDS:Korean ancient philosophy; star hole dolmen; paintings of the four guardian deities (四神圖); drawings of the four constellations (四宿圖); ancient tomb mural; philosophy of care
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