1Abaikpa Udeme Anthony,2Thomas Cornelia David,3Dr. Udom, Daniel
1Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences Akwa Ibom State University, Nigeria.
2Department of Management, Faculty of Social and Management Sciences Ritman University, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
3Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences Trinity Polytechnic, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
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This study was designed to examine the relationship between Open Innovation and Organizational Performance in selected firms in Akwa Ibom State. To achieve this objective, a survey research design was utilized. Data were collected through questionnaire carefully designed and administered to the respondents. A total of 30 copies of questionnaire were distributed to respondents, out of which 28 copies were returned and found to be correctly filled. This gave a response rate of about 97%. Regression analysis was conducted to examine the strength of the relationship between each of the dependent and independent variables. The result of the study showed a positive significant relationship between open innovation and organizational performance in selected firms: Airtel Nigeria Limited, Uyo, Globacom Nigeria Limited, Uyo and MTN Nigeria Limited, Uyo. It was recommended from the study that, Airtel Nigeria Limited, Uyo, Globacom Nigeria Limited, Uyo and MTN Nigeria Limited, Uyo should be more proactive in the provision of modern technologies to encourage rapid knowledge sharing and be more concerned with personnel training to encourage employees’ effectiveness and improved performance.
KEYWORDSOpen Innovation, Organizational Performance, Lack of Corresponding Assets, Limited Financial Resources, Lack of Relevant Technologies
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