1Zuo Ruijia,2Othman Talib,3Nur Aimi Nasuha binti Burhanuddin,4Li Wenling
1,2,3,4Department of foundation of education, faculty of educational studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, sardang 43400, Malaysia
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This study is based on cognitive behavior theory and accomplishment motivation theory and aims to investigate the influencing elements of college students' hidden truancy, the relationship between college students' boredom propensity and mobile phone dependence, and the mechanism of time efficacy in it. Using the Propensity Questionnaire, the College Students' Mobile Phone Addiction Propensity Scale, and the Time Efficacy Scale, a survey of 272 college students from a university in Sichuan Province, China, was undertaken. The survey data was analyzed using SPSS26.0, and the findings revealed a positive correlation between boredom and hidden truancy. The association between boredom and covert class skipping is mediated by reliance on mobile devices and time efficiency. According to the study's findings, college students' propensity for boredom has a sizable positive predictive impact on their dependence on mobile devices. College students' implicit truancy behavior is directly impacted by boredom, but it is also indirectly increased by dependence on mobile devices. Time efficacy acts as a moderator in the interaction between college students' propensity for boredom and dependence on their phones. It is suggested that in the future, in addition to improving the direct factors affecting college students' implicit truancy, enhancing the enjoyment of teaching, lowering students' feelings of boredom, but also strengthening the scientific management of mobile phone use, will help prevent and intervene with the phenomenon of implicit truancy among college students. In accordance with the demands of the classroom, we may not only advocate for mobile phone-free classrooms but also fully utilize the interactive features of mobile phones to increase the interactivity of instruction. College students can lessen their disguised class truancy practices and lower their mobile phone dependence by increasing their feeling of time efficacy.
KEYWORDS:Hidden truancy, mobile phone dependence, boredom tendency, time efficacy
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