1Sartono,2Wida Nofiasari,3Henni Gusfa
1Udayana University
2Media Nusantara Citra University
3Mercu Buana University
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The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has paralyzed the tourism sector, and various ways and efforts have been made to return to the country's tourism sector. Indonesia is a country that is rich in culture, history, and tradition with a history of civilization and keeps a lot of culinary history. One is the heritage of the Ancient Mataram which can attract new activities to strengthen Indonesian cultural identity through strorynomic tourism with a tourism approach that puts forward a narrative with creative content, living culture, and the power of culture as DNA. This study aimed to analyze in depth the storynomic culinary tourism of ancient Mataram as an attraction for new activities to strengthen Indonesian cultural identity in the new normal era. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a case study approach using observation, interviews, and documentation as data collection techniques. From the research results, it is found that the culinary history of Ancient Mataram can be a new culinary tourism attraction to strengthen Indonesian identity because the origin of the name of the food can make additional knowledge for consumers or tourists who are eating the dishes. In addition, the history of the name of the food can be used as storytelling in selling Indonesian specialties to be used as culinary tourism attractions. This study provides an academic contribution in the form of additional references related to tourism marketing communication through storynomic with the context of tourism and culture.
KEYWORDS:“Storynomic Tourism, Ancient Mataram Culinary, Attraction, Cultural Identity”
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