Okoua Beatrice Perpetue
Doctor of Educational Sciences, Teacher-researcher at Marien Ngouabi University, Brazzaville – Congo.Member of the Educational Science Research Laboratory (LARSCED)
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Special education is a set of challenges to be met. These challenges are characterized by the situations of difficulty experienced by children with disabilities during their development and their learning, because some are weakened by situations of abandonment, disadvantaged; some are carriers of deficiencies, others still gifted ; however, have difficulty learning. It is in this sense that this research proposes to study: the type of student categories that attend this structure, the type of pedagogy that is applied, the type of teachers in charge of animating this structure. It is concerned about the pedagogical approach of the schools of Brazzaville through the questioning below: What are the teaching methods used in the special schools according to the deficiencies of the children who are recruited there? The results revealed that the education of these categories of children is done according to specific methods among which the following types of education can be mentioned: type 1 concerning mild mental retardation; type 2 addressing moderate mental deficiencies; type 3 for children with affective instability, type 4 welcoming children with prenatal or acquired physical disabilities and the last type of teaching concerning children suffering from difficulties in basic learning: dyslexia; dysorthography; dysphasia dyscalculia. Thus, by referring to the results of our investigations, the hypotheses have been validated.
KEYWORDS:Pedagogical approach, special school, maladjustment, school maladjustment
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